Saturday, February 13, 2010

Interest is Growing

Hey everyone! Interest is growing in anticipation of our upcoming Pastor's Conferences in Uganda. The ministers there are really getting excited about our coming and sharing ministry tools with them.

As it stands now, the Pastoral training will be done by Myself, John Harrell, Jim Poorboy, and maybe--hopefully--I pray it is so--Dr. Tracy Cook. There may be one or two others, I don't know as yet.

Keep praying for wisdom to know what needs to be shared. As of this moment, Jim will be leading the conference at the hotel in Jinja, and I will be leading the conference in the village of Kakira. The Jinja pastors are more likely to have formal training, and an interpreter will probably not be needed. The Kakira conference will consist of less trained pastors from all over Uganda, Kenya, and maybe the southern Sudan and Rwanda. We will be using an interpreter for Luganda, and, if needed, Swahili. Please pray for God to prepare their hearts as well as ours.

May God bless you as you seek His face. Thanks for your obedience to Christ's call.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Oh Yeah...and p.s.

My first blog was supposed to give scheduling and "more" but it was getting too wordy because I was getting too excited!


The Uganda conferences will run from April 26-30, 2010. Each day will consist of four or five sessions with a final worship rally each evening.


The School of Theology
The School of Ministry
The School of Missions

So each conference will consist of between 20 and 25 teaching sessions. There will be plenty for each of our leaders to teach; especially with two conferences at the same time.
One thing to remember: In Uganda, everything runs on "Uganda Time" so leave your preconceived schedules at home. There are always changes and interruptions somewhere so roll with the flow and be flexible. Remember, it is NOT about us or you, it is about sharing Jesus with these wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ. We need to become more like them in so many ways! They need what we KNOW. We need what they HAVE! You will understand that more if you go with us.

I have no idea what God will do with this ministry. It is not for me to know. It is only for me to step by step follow Him, and let Him be Jesus through me. Remember this: The answer of True Discipleship is "Wherever, Whenever, Whatever...I am Yours Lord Jesus!" May God richly bless you as you participate with us in this great it through Prayer, Giving, or Going. Be obedient to the Spirit of God and you will be blessed.

R. Scott Harrell

Conference Topics...Schedules...and More...

Greetings to All!
Our upcoming trip to Uganda is continuing to grow in both anticipation and substance.
At the time of this writing, there are approximately 19 people who have expressed serious interest in being a part of this venture. So far, there are five different churches represented among the group.
The Pastor's Conference will be conducted in both Kakira and Jinja. Kakira is the village where we have done our conferences in the past. Jinja is the town that we stay in on our trips to Uganda. Our hotel is located within a hundred yards or so of the Nile River. The Nile begins its journey North about one mile upstream from the hotel, and it ends its journey over 4,000 miles later as it empties into the Meditteranean Sea. It is very tropical, as we are only about 3 degrees in latitude above the Equator.
This trip, we hope to be able to do two Pastor's Conferences simultaneously, provided we have enough trainers. The Jinja pastors, for the most part, tend to have more education than most other pastors. However, they are still very eager for whatever training we can provide. Jim Poorboy will be heading up this portion, while focusing mainly on Handling Conflict Biblically.
I will be leading the conference in Kakira. These pastors will be a mixture from surrounding churches in the Kakira area, and possibly leaders from Kenya, Rwanda, and even possibly some from the north in the Sudan. They come for many miles to get whatever training they can find. Most of them have very little to no formal training in the ministry or in theology. They simply know that God has saved them and called them to lead His Church and preach His Word. It is our glorious joy to have the opportunity to impart some of what we have been given by Christ into their hungry hearts and minds.
If you are a part of this training ministry, you will be humbled by their commitment, their humility, and their willingness to endure whatever hardship necessary, in order to satisfy their hunger for more knowledge and skill in ministry. Most beautiful of all...they will simply DO what they see God telling them in His Word! They will obey. So we must be very careful in how we teach them.
By the end of the trip, most likely you will feel as if you have learned more than you have taught. And, in all likelihood, you will have.
The Ugandans are beautiful people who endure more than most of us could ever imagine. They do so with a simple faith and obedience to God. What a joy that God would give us the blessing of being able to come alongside of them and teach them, learn from them, and together bless the holy and matchless Name of Jesus! May His Name be praised in all that we do.

In Christ's Love,
R. Scott Harrell